How to run applications / software when windows login. For software that has a service / special services for windows is very easy to enable the service. What if the software they will be ill to have such facilities.
We can handle it by making a startup script when the windows login.
Make a file jalan.cmd like this:
rem ********************************************
** brake run at windows starup log ***
rem ********************************************
ping localhost-n 30
start "1" "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Pidgin \ pidgin.exe"
Then you open Windows Explorer and copy the file to the folder:
C: \ Documents and Settings \ Administrator \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Startup \
Stay you try to restart windows
This script will continue to run when you log into the server using terminal server client on Linux. How to overcome Activate "Attact to Console" on the Performance tab.
For windows add the option / terminal