How to Access and Internet Connection FREE
How to Access and Internet Connection FREE Either way ato is still not fit but did not try yesterday there are some who still have a road and oyi. If one wants to try, mango atuh! Sorry if the language SMS language JYes it was counted for the theory-who knows you are lucky enough to step on the gas ngenet ampe Kill ampe are confused about browsing. Even yesterday there are friends who browse from 7 Malem ampe at 7 am (which is obviously yes see website bokep, bugil ria, and aunt naked round ...) Just abis 1000 silver ...Free StarOneparameters used for connection with chip StarOne,dial number = # 777username / login = wappassword = wapif you use mozilla select Tools => option => advanced => network => settings => select manual proxy configuration, then enter the following proxy:http proxy: port: 554 or 1745live list check use this proxy for all a good proxy because it can open halaman2 with SSL 128 bit like yahoomail, e-gold, gmail, internet banking, and all of them, of course could open a myspace page which is your favoriteDial your cdma do, then start browsing ....good luck. Free EsiaYou can use the operator of Foreign Affairs. Fill in your proxy / and Port 3128/3124/3127 (select one)or200.63.213.2 / (username search in port 554What you need to do is change the proxy settings in your browser.Esia free (alternative)Buy a package Esia card fortunately, continues to use internetan aja, so nah nah definitely reduced my pulse was normal, pulse until later klo've USD. 0 he'll be able to continue, but better the first abisin aja klo dah pulse created telponan USD. 0 new this internetan pake do with the setting:log dial upusername: esia / Wifone / Wimodepass: esia / Wifone / Wimodeusername ama paswordnya yes select one wrote, everything can be, well after the entry into the internet we have to use a proxy, enter proxy through firefox click tools, then options, then advanced, network, and then the contents of the manual proxy settings by to port 554 uda deh website and can stay open, weaknesses like the dashed connection and a bit longer, if you want a bit cepet ya got to find another proxy on google a lot, or if you use mozilla select Tools => option => advanced => network => settings => select manual proxy configuration, then enter the following proxy:http proxy: port: 554then check use this proxy for all the start browsing you will be asked for your username and password,you can create their own username hereor if you want the full can buy your ownFree Esia (Alternative 2)Buy prime esia whistleDownload here proxifierpass: xteamweb.comUser and pass the standard user and pass aja okay Wimode can also Riang Riang Riang RiangIf it proxifier settingsOption ->> proxy settings ->> add -> enter proxy xteam port 554 ->> check the HTTPS ->> enter your username and password on each of the same love Mimixteam proxy: port 554, user name: Internet untuksemua, pass: changing the hell, it can be seen in http://internetuntuksemua.blogspot.c...ate-proxy.html update.There is always updateable password if there is a change from the X-Team.Options ->> Name Of Resolution ->> select a Remotely are checkedFree SmartSetting MyEnTunnel:====================SSH Server: SSH Server: Port: 80 (this has been fixed) SSH Port: 8080Username: dog Username: internetuntuksemuaPass: dirty Pass: free4uCheck: - Reconnect on Failure- Use Private Key- Verbose Logging- Enable Slow Polling- Infinite Retry Attempts- Enable Dyanamic SOCKS Port 80 (this can we foxes to 20, etc.)- Hide Port Connections- Enable Compression- Retry Delay 1- Disable NotificationsAnother Port Options: 20, 443,554,3124,3127, 7999,8000,8088,8888 and 9201Browser Settings:==================filled only with localhost port 80 SOCKSDial Up Settings:==================best suited for SMART (last ESIA) ...SMART username pass cdma cdma # 777ESIA username pass esia esia # 777 Free Smart (alternative)Use proxy port 8080username: cdmapassword: cdmaDial: # 777smart use port 8080,80,8000.Free Smart (Alternative)Although free internet esia is no road, but for cdma users still have other options to be able to use free internet access. One is the free Internet by using proxy smart. Actually, to be able to get the maximum connection, we not need to bother, just modifying a bit of free internet tricks esia who have already been discussed, could ngacir freeway.First, dial your smartSecond, open PuTTY and then set proxy Proxy tab. then on the ssh select the tunnel and enter the desired source port and tick the "dynamic" her.Third, enter the IP free ssh account which has previously shared in the hostname, and enter its ports ssh with port 80.Fourth, run ssh tunnel via PuTTY and open proxifier and set socks proxy ssh tunnel results from there.fifth, restart proxifier and done!FYI, until the time I post, this trick can walk. ga tau later, tomorrow, day after tomorrow .. ato heuheuheue .. ajah poko'e ... good luck ...Free with FlexiTotal cost Flexi (half free lho, who mbayar just uploaded it)Jump Aja our free internet settings ....!1. Make sure the signal in your area bagusss Flexi ....2. Your-Freedom install programs on your computer.3. After install, do not run before Your-Freedomnya.4. Connect your computer to the Internet (# 777, telkomnet @ flexi, telecoms).5. If it is Connect, run Your-Freedom.6. Click the Ports tab and click the checkbox Shock 4 / 5 Port 1080 and click the checkbox Web Proxy Port 8080.7. Back click the Status tab, and then click Configure.8. On the Server Connection with contents and the bottom box with udp instead of http port will automatically be replaced with 53.9. Fill Proxy Settings with the IP Fill port with port 554Proxy type HTTP / HTTPS proxy.10. In the Account Information section, fill in his username and password with which you can at the time of listing on the Your-Freedom.11. Check the Messages tab should appear writingsClient Version: 20070511-01 Server Version: 20070510-11 Auth-ok: Port Authentication Accepted Starting Current RTT: xxxx ms ...Furthermore, your browser settings ...., For which use 'Mozilla, nih settinganya ...1. Click Tools, Options, Advanced, Network, Settings ...2. Select Manual Proxy Configurations3. Empty all the parts except the HTTP, SSL and FTP filled localhost 8080, whileHost Sock fill in localhost port 1080.Then in the No Proxy for fill in localhost,, / 16Three freeMaybe someone already knows, so it created a blom tau aja ya ... First Tosinet setting free threeusername 3mms3mms passwordapn 3mmsit's up to how many clients wanted to ip 10.21.xx.xx or how kek, guns problem. Coolonce connected into the network, please open UltraSurf content with manual proxy port 8080, wait until there is a successful change the proxy settings firefox browser to port 9666 ok.if you've survived just browsing is still often dc, please dioprek further. Tos first.XL GprsNi da Gret dr XL, I try to share, maybe teman2 there who do not know, more or less teman2 Ntar lengkapin yes ...Setting with:IP: 9201Add URL to @ as an example: @ wap.test.comTo be able to use a full-add as well to: @ /If you use a PC,winwap try using a browser and can also use Openwave browsers.This trick can only be used if you are in a period of active xl.After active gprs xl make sure your credit has been exhausted or under Rp.2000, -.Now to enter the wap page kesebuahchange http:// to Http: / /Hopefully Helpful ...
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