Internet / computer as well as equipment made by other humanactually has the ability very much. But the benefitswe can get from the Internet to vary depending on the perceptions andabilities / needs. As an illustration, if a poorer Internet usersrequires only pornographic images in addition to the daily work that takes time,then that person will be obtained on the Internet is especially the pictures that he needs.
This brief paper tries to analyze how effective but simple enough tocan obtain maximum benefit from the Internet. Below I will try to peelgradually what we do normally need so that we can obtain acquisitionthe maximum with the Internet facility.
The first stage - "intent" ... perhaps a bit surprising for some readers?It turned out that the first phase of "intent" is as well as in prayer became the key stagesof all our success in utilizing the Internet. For example, if our intentionsto use the Internet to find news that the New Order regime is blasphemousI am sure that you get is a lot of news blasphemy. If our intention to become richthen Insha Allah you will get is a business information / business interestwhich is likely to make you richer. etc.. The bottom line results that we willgained will be largely determined by our initial intention to use the Internet.What is dangerous is people who do not know what he wants at the time of entryto the Internet ..... Do not worry about the Internet is a very easy to get lostor to backslide .... :-)
The second phase - "learn to connect to the Internet" this stage isThe most simple phase such as learning how to connect your computerto the Internet, learn to take the mail, learn to make browsing the Web.These early stages can generally be passed in a fairly short period.But to begin this stage generally most people have to go beyonda hindrance to cultural / culture that is big enough, for example, pretty much mindedInternet & computer world is a very complicated world; adalagi who mindedthat the Internet would be very expensive (it would be expensive if we take the pictures, etc.).Generally after shown a simple & efficient way to link themselves to the Internetpeople got interested and can easily interact via the Internet as well asuse the telephone or FAX.
The third phase - "learn to take / read information" ..At this stage we need to really lead us to read,retrieve information efficiently. Web can be used as necessary toobtain information and to compare various existing information.Knowledge about the different things we can wake up with a way of reading.Mailing list / discussion facility on the Internet is a good idea on the specific customertruly in accordance with our respective favorite.Information on the Internet so much, we should really selectivein taking information / subscription mailing list / newsgroup to obtainmaximum benefits in the shortest possible time.At this stage, we are actually dealing with the culture of the Indonesian nationThe most fundamental ... Generally most people prefer the culture of Indonesia"Oral" in conveying ideas / things, different from the Indonesian cultureGenerally the Internet is a culture of reading & writing. This will become an obstaclemain for most Indonesian people to be able to learn to read / retrieveinformation. Hopefully with the increasing number of our people are educatedthe culture of literacy become better.
The fourth stage - "learning how to learn (learn how to learn)"In participating in the mailing lists / newsgroupsit's good we look good discussions that take place in mailing list /these newsgroups, identify good all the existing players, identify goodgrammar-how / rules / etiquette discussion of the embrace. Avoid spam to keep theour good name private. These things need to be done before we plungeto participate in the discussion.
Learning to be open and accept other people's opinions, learning toarguing / debating a gentleman, respect the opinions of others,open to ideas, opinions, new sciences is the key to successus understand the science of the Internet.
Our ability to analyze the various inputs and menstrukturkannyain a future knowledge will be key to success in developmentknowledge as a whole. At this level we should be more insightful andmore wise (wise).
The fifth stage - "learning to generate knowledge and information"Knowledge (knowledge) that the accumulated / collected from various sourcesafter going through the process of analysis and sinteasi be distributed back and was publishedThe Internet is an excellent medium for the dissemination of knowledge waseither through the Web that are one-way, or through the mailing lists / newsgroupstwo-way interactive nature.
The ability to become producers of information / knowledge will be keyour success in working through the Internet. Simple form of the manufacturerinformation / knowledge is, for example someone who has a personal website that containsbook / literature / software / other works (to be images / blue print etc).
Of course, a manufacturer of value-added will be very large in comparison withpeople who have not been able to produce its own knowledge. In a simple sentencea producer of information / knowledge will get the money / rizki morecompared with people who do not have such knowledge.

This level is high enough level for someone who has been involvedon the Internet for a long time. I personally hope that more and more people of Indonesiaable to become producers of knowledge / information - the challenge is not easybut for someone who has reached this stage, the rewards that will diperolehpunnot small.
These stages will continue interacting to glorify one's knowledgebecome increasingly better with increasing time.
Things we need to understand together that theall the stages described are not likely done in a few daysor several months, I personally through these stages since the year 1985-1986and everything is done in a self-taught (taught myself) - I hope readersothers can more easily through these stages so that moreour nation that can make it through the Internet.
Hopefully this brief opinion may inspire readers to directhimself to the things that will benefit each reader in using the Internet.
trick and tips blogspot
This brief paper tries to analyze how effective but simple enough tocan obtain maximum benefit from the Internet. Below I will try to peelgradually what we do normally need so that we can obtain acquisitionthe maximum with the Internet facility.
The first stage - "intent" ... perhaps a bit surprising for some readers?It turned out that the first phase of "intent" is as well as in prayer became the key stagesof all our success in utilizing the Internet. For example, if our intentionsto use the Internet to find news that the New Order regime is blasphemousI am sure that you get is a lot of news blasphemy. If our intention to become richthen Insha Allah you will get is a business information / business interestwhich is likely to make you richer. etc.. The bottom line results that we willgained will be largely determined by our initial intention to use the Internet.What is dangerous is people who do not know what he wants at the time of entryto the Internet ..... Do not worry about the Internet is a very easy to get lostor to backslide .... :-)
The second phase - "learn to connect to the Internet" this stage isThe most simple phase such as learning how to connect your computerto the Internet, learn to take the mail, learn to make browsing the Web.These early stages can generally be passed in a fairly short period.But to begin this stage generally most people have to go beyonda hindrance to cultural / culture that is big enough, for example, pretty much mindedInternet & computer world is a very complicated world; adalagi who mindedthat the Internet would be very expensive (it would be expensive if we take the pictures, etc.).Generally after shown a simple & efficient way to link themselves to the Internetpeople got interested and can easily interact via the Internet as well asuse the telephone or FAX.
The third phase - "learn to take / read information" ..At this stage we need to really lead us to read,retrieve information efficiently. Web can be used as necessary toobtain information and to compare various existing information.Knowledge about the different things we can wake up with a way of reading.Mailing list / discussion facility on the Internet is a good idea on the specific customertruly in accordance with our respective favorite.Information on the Internet so much, we should really selectivein taking information / subscription mailing list / newsgroup to obtainmaximum benefits in the shortest possible time.At this stage, we are actually dealing with the culture of the Indonesian nationThe most fundamental ... Generally most people prefer the culture of Indonesia"Oral" in conveying ideas / things, different from the Indonesian cultureGenerally the Internet is a culture of reading & writing. This will become an obstaclemain for most Indonesian people to be able to learn to read / retrieveinformation. Hopefully with the increasing number of our people are educatedthe culture of literacy become better.
The fourth stage - "learning how to learn (learn how to learn)"In participating in the mailing lists / newsgroupsit's good we look good discussions that take place in mailing list /these newsgroups, identify good all the existing players, identify goodgrammar-how / rules / etiquette discussion of the embrace. Avoid spam to keep theour good name private. These things need to be done before we plungeto participate in the discussion.
Learning to be open and accept other people's opinions, learning toarguing / debating a gentleman, respect the opinions of others,open to ideas, opinions, new sciences is the key to successus understand the science of the Internet.
Our ability to analyze the various inputs and menstrukturkannyain a future knowledge will be key to success in developmentknowledge as a whole. At this level we should be more insightful andmore wise (wise).
The fifth stage - "learning to generate knowledge and information"Knowledge (knowledge) that the accumulated / collected from various sourcesafter going through the process of analysis and sinteasi be distributed back and was publishedThe Internet is an excellent medium for the dissemination of knowledge waseither through the Web that are one-way, or through the mailing lists / newsgroupstwo-way interactive nature.
The ability to become producers of information / knowledge will be keyour success in working through the Internet. Simple form of the manufacturerinformation / knowledge is, for example someone who has a personal website that containsbook / literature / software / other works (to be images / blue print etc).
Of course, a manufacturer of value-added will be very large in comparison withpeople who have not been able to produce its own knowledge. In a simple sentencea producer of information / knowledge will get the money / rizki morecompared with people who do not have such knowledge.
This level is high enough level for someone who has been involvedon the Internet for a long time. I personally hope that more and more people of Indonesiaable to become producers of knowledge / information - the challenge is not easybut for someone who has reached this stage, the rewards that will diperolehpunnot small.
These stages will continue interacting to glorify one's knowledgebecome increasingly better with increasing time.
Things we need to understand together that theall the stages described are not likely done in a few daysor several months, I personally through these stages since the year 1985-1986and everything is done in a self-taught (taught myself) - I hope readersothers can more easily through these stages so that moreour nation that can make it through the Internet.
Hopefully this brief opinion may inspire readers to directhimself to the things that will benefit each reader in using the Internet.
trick and tips blogspot