I enter my YM (yahoo messenger) in blogspot
Because I'm lazy to post about displaying the status of YM with a more attractive image 2 the first time I promised, now I take a middle road action to overcome my lazy, hehehe .. sorry yah ... (Mo fasting bntar again .. do not be emotional) ...
So basically if you want to use images YM status that is different from the default (which I just explained some time ago, above) you just change the url address imagenya ... for example would I give the url address of default yahoo messenger status below:
http://opi.yahoo.com/online?u=aidi_ym_anda_disini&m=g&t=2 (pd words "aidi_ym_anda_disini" you please replace with your yahoo ID)
in the example url address of YM status images above, please copy and paste in your browser bar, then see what the results are visible ..? nah if you already know .. It is a standard view ... if you want a different view and more cool than that, you please replace the number "2" (without quotation marks) at the address above url image YM status (yg td you've put into your browser bar it lohhhh ..) replace it with numbers others, such as number 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 and so on until the deadline for number 16 .... once between numbers 2 to number 16 already exists that matches the taste of the picture you want then you just edit the script, is like you are interested in YM status images that no 12 you can just replace the code as follows: (see item 12 distinguished blue, coz it distinguishing images / replace it with another number as you like)
hantu malang http://trik-tipss.blogspot.com/