These are tips Speed Browsing with Windows II while I click HERE!Called a complete QoS Quality of Service is provided in order to ensure that your network is working properly. But the fact that QoS is not very useful.
And unfortunately again this QoS has been consuming 20% of the bandwidth available on your device.
Wah ... wah ... wah ....Now we will replace the use of QoS bandwidth is 20% to 0% (zero percent).
Follow the steps below:
1. Click Start2. Click Run3. Type gpedit.msc4. Click OK5. Click the plus sign (+) in the Computer Configuration6. Click the plus sign (+) in the Administrative Templates7. Click the plus sign (+) on the Network8. Click on the folder QoS Packet Scheduler9. Now switch your view to the sidebar on the right10. 2x click on Limit reservable bandwidth file

11. Click on the circle Enable12. Type 0 (zero) in the Bandwidth limit [%]13. Click OK14. Done, Please exit the Group Policy page
Good luck,
trick and tips blogspot